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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 1524 Right-of-way vacation 9/14/2023 Special
Ord. 1523 Adds [amends] Ch. 7.30; amends §§ 5.08.040, 6.40.030 and 17.102.050, noise control 7/13/2023 Codified
Ord. 1522 Adds Ch. 7.30, noise control 6/22/2023 Codified
Ord. 1521 Pending
Ord. 1520 Pending
Ord. 1519 Amends § 12.04.020(2), sewer rates 6/8/2023 Expired
Ord. 1518 Pending
Ord. 1517 Repeals and replaces Title 13, civil enforcement 6/8/2023 Codified
Ord. 1516 Adds Title 6; repeals and replaces Title 9; repeals §§ 5.04.050 and 5.04.060, parks and public places, public peace, safety, and welfare 6/8/2023 Codified
Ord. 1515 Adopts interim zoning provisions; amends § 17.110.140, nonconforming signs 1/1/2023 Not codified
Ord. 1514 Adds Chs. 4.02 through 4.14; repeals Ch. 3.25, administration 3/23/2023 Codified
Ord. 1513 Recodifies Ch. 2.48 as 3.31 and §§ 2.32.060 as 3.30.160 and 17.87.120 as 17.80.381; repeals and replaces Title 2; repeals § 3.36.055 and §§ 17.87.010 through 17.87.110 and 17.87.130 through 17.87.150 and Resos. 2014-04 and 2019-14, cleanup ordinance 3/23/2023 Codified
Ord. 1512 Repeals and replaces Title 1, general provisions 3/23/2023 Codified
Ord. 1511 Amends 2023-2024 budget 1/12/2023 Special
Ord. 1510 Adds Ch. 4.16, compost procurement 1/26/2023 Codified
Ord. 1509 Adopts 2023-2024 budget 12/8/2022 Special
Ord. 1508 2023 tax levy 12/21/2022 Special
Ord. 1507A Adopts interim development regulations 4/27/2023 Special
Ord. 1507 Adopts interim zoning regulations concerning mini-warehouse/storage uses 10/27/2022 Not codified
Ord. 1506 Bond issuance 8/11/2022 Special
Ord. 1505 Amends 2021-2022 budget Special
Ord. 1504 Annexation Special
Ord. 1503 Adds Chs. 17.152 and 17.154 [17.153A]; amends Ch. 17.151, impact fees 2022 Codified
Ord. 1502 Adds Ch. 3.25, acceptance of donations 2022 Decodified
Ord. 1501 Amends 2021-2022 budget Special